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Thank you very much to our June 2024" positive thinking" collaborators!

1. RENA JACKSON, Founder, renalovecreations, California/Texas

2. YSABEL HILADO, Fashion Designer, Los Angeles 

When you have a positive moment click each positive collaborators name and follow and/or like their wondeful social media sites. 

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Achieving, free, nonprofit, celebrity, kindness!

Thank you very much to our February 2024" positive thinking" collaborators!

1. PATRICK FRANK, Principal, Patchbay Media, London, 
    Patchbay Media


2.  CLARE MUNN, CEO, Chair, & Co-Founder, Speaker, Investor, BoxMedia       (A BoxMedia company)San  Francisco, London England, United                     KingdomBoxplay

When you have a positive moment click each positive collaborators name and follow and/or like their social media.  

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Achieving Positive Thinking Worldwide (APTW)

5170 Golden Foothill Parkway, El Dorado Hills, CA  95762

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